How To Properly Store Garden Tools

1 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Garden tools, whether complex ride-on lawnmowers or simple handheld tools, need to be in good condition to do their job properly. During the winter months, your garden tools will be placed into storage either in your garage or a self-storage unit to protect them from the elements, but if they are not properly stored, they can become damaged or even break during this period of disuse. Understanding how to properly store your garden tools can help you keep them in the best condition possible until they are needed again. Read More 

Tips For Helping An Aging Parent Move

30 November 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in the position to help a parent more into a new home, this can be an emotional and frustrating event. There are few things that you can do to make this transition more efficient for everyone involved. Here are four tips if you are tasked to help an aging parent move. 1. Start With A Moving Plan Map out a moving plan that works for you and your parent from day one. Read More 

How To Rid Your Home Of Mice

6 May 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Mice are dirty and destructive little creatures you want to keep as far from your home as possible. They will leave their excrement in your cupboards, eat through your food packaging to get at the food, destroy the wiring in your home and reproduce in your home. The sooner you are able to get rid of the mice in your home, the better off you will be. Follow the tips in this article to get them out of your home. Read More 

5 Unexpected Benefits Of Installing An Automatic Sprinkler System

31 March 2015
 Categories: , Blog

The benefits of a sprinkler system might seem clear. You would probably love to be able to water your plants without having to do the work yourself, for example, and you might love the idea of your plants being watered while you're away from home. However, you should know that these systems have benefits that you might not know about as well. These are a few of the more unexpected benefits of installing an automatic sprinkler system on your property. Read More 

Remodel Your Garden Shed To Make It More Comfortable

6 February 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Your shed doesn't have to be a dark and dismal place to house your gardening and yard tools. Learn cool tips you can use to make this space more comfortable for you to use. Install a heater You can use a portable heater when you are in your shed organizing your tools or potting plants during the late fall or early spring. Portable heaters are great for warming up in cool spaces for limited amounts of time, but you should only use them if you are planning on being in the shed the whole time it is on. Read More